Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Pirate Bay hit by DDoS attack — Anonymous not responsible

The Pirate Bay was hit by a DDos attack and has been largely unavailable for 24 hours. They say that Anonymous are not responsible.
The Pirate Bay (TPB) has its suspicions who is responsible for the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Their Facebook page read, "Once we've awaken our tech guru Winston Q we'll get on the issue."
TPB's Facebook page now reads:
"Just to clarify, we KNOW that it is NOT Anonymous who is behind the ddos attack. Stop spreading rumours like that.
We may not agree with Anonymous in everything, but we both want the internet to be open and free.
There, now carry on with whatever it is you were doing." ... read full article.

Video: Occupy Minnesota protesters given drugs by police?

The publication of a video on YouTube stating that Occupy protesters in Minnesota have been given drugs by police officers, has caused authorities to open a criminal investigation.
So far at least one Minnesota state trooper has been put on paid leave, as law enforcement officials investigate allegations that police officers visited Occupy Wall Street encampments in Minnesota and gave free drugs to protesters.
The video was made by independent journalists and filmmakers in the state. They interviewed members of the local Occupy movement who say they have been offered drugs by police officers.
Apparently protesters who opt in to the program are given the drugs for free and the police, in turn, monitor the effects of the drugs. Some protesters say they've been rewarded for offering to snitch on the movement... read full article and view video.

UK police protest 'criminal' cuts (video)

It's not just the Occupy and 15m movements out on the streets lately. 34,000 police in the United Kingdom are protesting salary cuts and loss of jobs.
With worries over public safety, as well as cuts in staff, salaries and benefits, the police are currently policing their own protests on the streets of the United Kingdom.
The protesters claim that with less police out on the streets, people will no longer feel safe. However criminals will feel safer with the lack of policing... read full article and watch video.