Saturday 18 August 2012

Veteran's rally for Bradley Manning in Oakland, Ca (videos)

A rally and occupation action for accused whistleblower Bradley Manning was held at President Obama's campaign headquarters in Oakland and Portland on August 16. Twelve people were arrested.
A coordinated set of actions by around 100 veterans and supporters of Bradley Manning, the whistleblower who was arrested, imprisoned, facing a court martial and suffering torture for passing on the Collateral Murder video to WikiLeaks.
The veterans occupied and rallied at the Obama campaign offices on the west coast and six members of the group were arrested... read more and watch videos.

Organization of American States to meet on Assange issue

The OAS will convene a meeting on August 24, to discuss the matter of Julian Assange, his asylum and the U.K.'s threats on Ecuador's sovereignty. ALBA and UNASUR are meeting on the issue this weekend.
Ecuador granted asylum to Assange on August 16, and a diplomatic uproar ensued, with the British Foreign Office threatening to enter the embassy to take Assange. The Ecuadorian government is taking this as a threat to their sovereignty and indeed, a threat to diplomatic relations worldwide... read more.