Friday 13 July 2012

Video: 'US drugged for false Gitmo confessions'

Investigative journalist, Jason Leopold, is one of many people wishing for the release of information that prisoners are drugged in order to extract confessions at Gitmo.
RT interviews Jason Leopold, who states that detainees in secret U.S. prisons, such as Guantanamo Bay, were drugged with mind-altering substances, including anti-psychotic drugs, in order to extract confessions... read more and watch video.

Dirty gold mine depriving Peruvians of clean water

The people of the Peruvian city of Cajamarca have sent a cry for help. They say they only have water for two hours of each day. Some areas have no water for weeks. Protests are met with violence.
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald) received a desperate cry a few days ago from Cajamarca in Peru. “We only have water for two hours each day!”
The people in Cajamarca have been protesting against the extension of Latin America's largest gold mine. The gold mine is destroying their natural water resources and an important headwater stream of the Amazon is also at serious risk. The mining is depriving the people of their water and is contaminating it with cyanide and heavy metals... read more and sign petition.

'Beat the Blockade' — WikiLeaks win in Icelandic courts

Icelandic courts have ordered Visa and Mastercard's local partners to accept payments for WikiLeaks donations, or face daily fines.
On the WikiLeaks website, they state that a blockade by Visa and Mastercard against payments to WikiLeaks has been in effect now for 587 days.
Now help is on the way, as the Reykjavík District Court in Iceland has ruled that Visa and Mastercard's local partner in that country, Valitor, has broken the law, by preventing WikiLeaks from receiving donations... read more and watch video.