Sunday 2 September 2012

Mind-controlled drones for the handicapped (video)

Chinese researchers at Zhejiang University have developed a system, called FlyingBuddy2 that allows users to control drones with their thoughts. Sound too much like SciFi? Read on.
The researchers developed the technology to help handicapped people, but it could also have many other applications.
The video above, produced by the researchers at Zheijiang University, shows how the system works. And it seems to be pretty simple... read more and watch video.

Video: 'Speed Sisters' — all-female motor racing in Palestine

The Speed Sisters are an all-female motor racing team living in occupied Palestine. They are the first ever women's racing team in the Middle East.
The Speed Sisters have managed to overcome their skeptical parents, public disapproval and the realities of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and have become local heroes.
The team consists of six drivers, including both Muslims and Christians, ranging in age from their 20's to mid-30's.... read more and watch video.

Documentary: War and Peace Show, Kent, England

During July 2012, Hop Farm in Kent, England was home to the War and Peace Show, which has been held each year for the past 30 years. This 26-minute documentary gives more details.
The War and Peace show serves as an exhibition of military vehicles and a forum for the reenactment of armed conflicts that have been witnessed in the 20th century.
RT has produced this documentary, showing a Russian delegation traveling on the road from Moscow with period vehicles in tow, heading for Kent to meet other enthusiasts who share the same history... read more and watch video.