Wednesday 25 July 2012

Video: Anonymous launches #Operation Anaheim

Anaheim has seen two officer-involved shootings over the weekend and protests are continuing against police brutality in the city. Now Anonymous is getting involved.
A couple of days after officers with the Anaheim PD opened fire, killing two men within just two days, protests erupted in the area... read more and watch video.

'Yes on 37' Right to Know — organizing one million more voters

Organizing another million Californians who want the right to know what's in their food - this is the pledge made today by the California "Yes to 37" Right to Know Campaign.
Digital Journal reported on July 10 that the California "Right to Know" GMO labeling measure is Proposition 37 on the November ballot. Voters have shown high support for Prop 37, but will that translate to votes in November?
A deep, grassroots passion has arisen for a campaign formed so that consumers can know what's in their food. A statewide network of thousands of volunteers helped the measure to quickly qualify for the November ballot. The initiative, calling for simple labels on products that have been genetically engineered, collected almost one million signatures in only 10 weeks.... read more.

Video: Flood sweeps Fangshan district in Beijing, China

Heavy rain, recorded at 46 centimeters (18 inches), fell on Beicheying Village in Fangshan District, Beijing last Saturday. Questions are raised as to officials' response to the disaster.
Digital Journal reported on the heavy rains which fell in China on July 22, killing at least ten people.
Now a video has been released (above) of the flooding in Beicheying Village, located in Beijing's Fangshan District on Saturday, when China's capital experienced its heaviest rains in six decades.
At least 37 people have died in Beijing city, and an unknown number of persons have perished in the Fangshan District... read more and watch video.

Video: 'Sex, Lies and Julian Assange'

Four Corners, an investigative journalism website, has released a video about how the Swedish case against Julian Assange came to be.
Four Corners is Australia's premier television current affairs program, and has released a video (above) telling the story about Julian Assange's visit to Sweden, and the alleged rape charges against him.
The video contains everything you could want to know about the rape allegations against Assange... read more and watch video.

Famous Spanish lawyer to represent WikiLeaks and Assange

Well known for issuing an international arrest warrant for a former Chilean dictator in 1998, Baltasar Garzón is now firmly in WikiLeaks' corner.
Garzón met with WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the whistleblower has been in residence for around a month, awaiting possible political asylum in Ecuador and avoiding extradition to Sweden.
Garzón will now be leading the WikiLeaks defense team and during the meeting, they discussed their new legal strategy... read more.