Sunday 9 September 2012

Video: Cameraman escapes deadly blast — At least 34 die in Iraq

Car bombs and suicide bombers have killed at least 34 people across Iraq on Sunday. In the video, a cameraman caught the moment of the second car bomb exploding.
Security officials have stated that in Iraq's northern oil hub of Kirkuk, 12 were killed, including seven recruits waiting outside the police headquarters of the state-run North Oil Company. The blast wounded a further 17 recruits... read more and watch video.

Video: Nicaragua volcano awakens spewing gas and ash

Showing ash and gas spewing out around 5 km into the air, the video of the San Cristobal volcano also shows the area being inundated with ash and volcanic dust.
Digital Journal reported on Saturday that the San Cristobal volcano, located just outside the city of Chichigalpa, about 154 km north of the capital, Managua, had started spewing gas and ash into the air... read more and watch video.