Sunday 7 October 2012

Sights & sounds of Feria in Fuengirola, Spain (video)

Running from October 6th to 12th, the annual Feria de la Virgen del Rosario in Fuengirola is full of color, sights and sounds.
A week during the year when business slows down a bit, people take a few days off. When you see your friends and neighbors dressed somewhat differently, with gorgeous dresses on the ladies and girls.
The men also dress so smartly, in traditional caballero style as they ride their horses, or drive their horse carts and carriages... read more, see more photos and watch a video.

Indiana farmer taking Monsanto to Supreme Court

Vernon Hugh Bowman, a 74-year-old soybean farmer, will have his day in court against Monsanto in the US Supreme Court next year. Bowman was originally sued by Monsanto Co for alleged patent infringement for the use of a genetically modified soybean crop.
Under the company's licensing contract, farmers can only use the product to harvest one round of crops. However, Monsanto sued Bowman because they say he is at fault for planting a second harvest. However, this second harvest came from commercially-purchased "commodity seeds" from a grain elevator that contained, in part, the Roundup Ready GMO seeds.
Apparently you can sell "second-generation" seeds to grain elevators for use as "commodity seeds," and Monsanto doesn't require that there be any restriction on the sale... read more.

Anti-Jihad ads heading for Washington, DC

In a court ruling, it was decided that anti-Jihad adverts could be displayed in the Washington, DC metro, as has already been done in New York City and San Francisco.
Washington Metro asked for an injunction against the notorious posters, which were scheduled to appear on trains throughout the city from late September, saying they should be delayed indefinitely in the wake of the recent fallout from the "Innocence of Muslims" film.
They were concerned that these posters might provoke fallout, as with the riots and demonstrations over the film, throughout the Islamic world... read more.