Saturday 7 July 2012

Video: Young pandas enjoy their new playground in southern China

And now for something completely cute. Young pandas are introduced to their new playground at China's Chengdu Panda Base.
Frolicking just like a bunch of kids, the young pandas enjoy their first experience on a custom-built wooden slide.
They roll around on the grass, and play on specially designed climbing frames at the Chengdu Panda Base in southern China.... read more and watch video.

Up to 67 killed in torrential floods in southern Russia (video)

Severe flooding, caused by torrential rains, has hit Russia's southern Krasnodar region. Up to 67 people have been killed in the popular resort area.
The floods were caused by torrential rains which came at night, without any warning. Local residents were caught by surprise, as the water flooded thousands of homes, and around 67 people have died.
There is widespread structural damage in the area and landslides are occurring... read more and watch video.

Syria Files: Selex sold communication technology to police forces

WikiLeaks has released the "Syria Files", which reveal embarrassing ties between Syria and various Western entities. This article relates to Selex, a subsidiary of the Italian communications company, Finmeccanica.
Digital Journal reported on the release by WikiLeaks of the "Syria Files" on July 5. This release involves a series of controversial emails and documents that will very embarrassing to both the Syrian government, its opponents and also Western companies with business ties with Syria.
Among the 2011 and 2012 emails in this release are documents relating to Selex, a subsidiary of the Italian communications company, Finmeccanica.... read more.

Syria Files: Western media advice for Syria ineffective

New WikiLeaks files show that Syria received guidance from a private communications firm on how to fight the massive media battle launched by the West.
In the release of the Syria Files by WikiLeaks, information is already coming to light on Western intervention and assistance in Syria... read more.

Video update: Saturday deadline for extradition of Assange

Today is the deadline for Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden. Ecuador's decision is still to be given on his political asylum in that country.
Julian Assange has stated that he will not leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London until a decision has been made on his request for political asylum in Ecuador.
Assange has now spent two and a half weeks in the embassy.
Police are posted on every exit, hoping that he will step out and be arrested, ready for extradition... read more and watch video.