Wednesday 26 September 2012

Athens protesters throw firebombs, police shoot tear gas (Video)

Protests have erupted into rage in Athens on Wednesday, as Greece shuts down with a 24-hour general strike over austerity measures.
As reported on Digital Journal, Greece is shutting down with a general strike on Wednesday. The 24-hour strike will involve both private sector and public sector workers, protesting against the latest round of Troika imposed austerity measures.... read more.

After GMO rat study: Russia suspends imports, France investigates

Following the recent rat study on NK603 GMO corn, Russia has suspended imports of Monsanto corn, while France continues investigations into the possible dangers of GMOs to human health.
On Tuesday this week, Russia suspended the import and use of Monsanto's genetically engineered corn, following the scientific study released on September 19 on rats fed with this corn, which caused serious health problems, including tumors and organ failure... read more.

Madrid protests: Indignados intend to return to the plaza today

After thousands protested in the Plaza de Neptune in Madrid on Tuesday, around 100 meters from the Congress building, police became violent and eventually cleared the square.
The indignados were calling for new elections and carrying banners with the slogan "No", referring to the austerity measures being taken by the Spanish government.
Protesters are saying that a government chosen by the people that, once it reaches power, does not keep it's promises, has no legitimacy. They say that winning an election does not give the government the right to act as it wants, betraying the voters who have elected it. They demand new elections and a new government.... read more and watch video.