Wednesday 15 August 2012

UK threatens to storm Ecuadorian embassy over Assange

As the decision over Julian Assange's asylum looms near, the U.K. is threatening to raid the Ecuadorian Embassy unless Assange is handed over for extradition to Sweden.
Reports from Ecuador on Wednesday state that the British government had threatened to raid its embassy in London if WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is not handed over.
After a meeting with President Rafael Correa, Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo PatiƱo told reporters, "Today we've received a threat by the United Kingdom, a clear and written threat that they could storm our embassy in London if Ecuador refuses to hand in Julian Assange." ... read more.

Monsanto puts $4.2 million into the anti-GMO labeling pot

According to the latest campaign finance reports, Monsanto has just contributed $4.2 million in opposition of Proposition 37 for GMO labeling in California, which comes up for voting in the November elections.
Digital Journal reported yesterday on the $10 million in donations by food makers and pesticide companies, to oppose Proposition 37. Prop 37 would require all foods with genetically engineered contents to be labeled.... read more.

Video: Julian Assange — from hero to hated

The video highlights RT's interactions with Julian Assange since April 2010. Initially he is seen as a hero for exposing the awful truth, eventually he is hated by banks, journalists, world leaders and others.
With every secret revealed by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, he gained more and more enemies, desperate to bring him down.
Governments and public figures are openly calling for Assange to be killed... read more and watch video.

Explosion near UN monitors' HQ in Damascus wounds three

A bomb exploded on Wednesday, 10 meters away from the Damas Rose Hotel in Damascus, Syria, where UN monitors are currently headquartered. Three people were injured.
Al Arabiya is reporting that the Free Syrian Army has claimed responsibility for the bombing.
According to RT's reporter, it looks like the explosives were placed on a vehicle parked in the facility next door to the hotel... read more and watch video.

John Unger's arthritic dog Schoep undergoing laser treatments

Remember the viral photo of John Unger, floating with his elderly dog Schoep in Lake Superior? Thanks to kind donations, Schoep is now undergoing treatment for his pain. And ladies, John is actively looking for a relationship.
Digital Journal reported on the story of John Unger and his 19-year-old dog Schoep recently. Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, a photographer, captured a beautiful photo of Unger and his dog, having a therapeutic swim in Lake Superior. When the photo was published on Facebook, it immediately went viral.... read more.