Thursday 31 May 2012

Ireland year away from Greek devastation unless austerity stopped

A video interview with Richard Boyd Barrett, a member of the Irish Parliament, about the devastation of EU-enforced austerity measures.
RT interviews Barrett and asks him about the "No" campaign on the referendum on the fiscal pact with the European Union.
He explained that the pact is a European agreement, which countries are being asked to sign, that will compel governments to reduce debt and deficit payments over a long period of time (up to 10 years)... read full article and view video.

European Parliament opposes ACTA but fight not over yet

The European Parliament officially opposes ACTA, as 3 of its committees vote against the controversial and draconian agreement. But the battle is not over yet.
Digital Journal reported on April 18, 2012 that the EU Parliament may reject the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). On May 29, it was reported that the Dutch Parliament had rejected ACTA.... read more.

Bilderberg Conference starts today in Chantilly, Virginia

Starting today 150 of the world's elite are meeting just outside Washington, DC. Will they decide who the next U.S. President will be?
The agenda of the meeting is not available to the public, but much speculation is going around as to what the global elite will be discussing.
RT interviewed Alex Jones of Prison Planet earlier this month.
The interviewer asked Jones: “Should the elite get behind Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?” asking if this would likely be one of the topics discussed at the conference.
Jones replied: “Both men are bought and paid for by the same financial interests, and so the discussion will be which candidate can basically con the American people to lay down the tyranny for another four years.”... read full article.