Tuesday 25 September 2012

Police attack 'Occupy Congress' protest in Madrid (Video)

A rally was held on Wednesday with thousands of Spanish indignados surrounding the Congress building in Madrid, in an action dubbed "Occupy Congress."
The indignados were calling for new elections and carrying banners with the clear slogan "No", referring to the austerity measures being taken by the Spanish government.
Protesters are saying that a government chosen by the people that, once it reaches power, does not keep it's promises, has no legitimacy. They say that winning an election does not give the government the right to act as it wants, betraying the voters who have elected it... read more and watch video.

Assange to address UN live on RT on Wednesday on human rights

A high-level talk on the legal and ethical legitimacy of diplomatic asylum will be held at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday. Julian Assange will be addressing permanent representatives to the UN General Assembly.
RT has exclusive rights to broadcast this event live. A panel discussion at the 67th General Assembly Debate on Wednesday will include Assange, as well as the Foreign Affairs Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo PatiƱo, and Legal Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Baher Azmy... read more.